Sunday, April 24

Where Do We Go From Here?

At the end of most retreats it is worth asking, "Where do we go from here?" While retreats often engage the present and distance us from the pressing concerns of the future, by the third day it is probably a good idea to remember that there is a world out there and that the journey back is at least as critical as the journey away.

I gave the Where Do We Go From Here talk. I wanted to give this talk because I want the community outreach groups to succeed. Also, how to impact the world from which we came is a pretty exciting topic.

Key points:
There area lot of homeless youth, and it is difficult to serve them.
But there are a lot of unused resources (for instance, 175 youth in a home for each 1 homeless).
By addressing the root level culture that separates the homeless from the homed, we can better meet community needs.
The vision then becomes reaching out to schools, businesses, workplaces, and other organizations to raising awareness and facilitate action.

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